Sunday, December 7, 2008

Debate in Brussels

I'm having my shpake in Brussels tomorrow about the EU and the Irish no.

Details below

On 11 December, EU leaders will meet to find what they call a ‘solution’ to the ‘Irish problem’ – Irish voters’ rejection of the Lisbon Treaty in their June referendum. The Manifesto Club will be taking our campaign for popular democracy to the heart of Brussels – to expose the contemptuous attitude of European elites towards their publics, and to start to build a cross-European alliance for freedom and against bureaucracy.


We are delighted to be co-organising a discussion - with the think-tank, Open Europe - in the centre of Brussels, three days before EU leaders meet. We will host a debate between European democrats of all political persuasions - to analyse the growth of EU technocracy, and the growing no-votes against it. At this meeting, we will also be launching two new Manifesto Club publications: EU Phrasebook: 27 Ways to say, No Doesn't Really Mean No, by Josie Appleton; and No Means No, an analysis of the growth of EU technocracy, by Bruno Waterfield and Christopher Bickerton.

Speakers include: Declan Ganley (chairman, Libertas, Irish no-campaign); Bruno Waterfield, (Brussels correspondent, Daily Telegraph); Christopher Bickerton (department of politics and international relations, Oxford); Josie Appleton (convenor, Manifesto Club, and author of the club’s forthcoming EU Phrasebook); Gerry Feehily (writer and literary journalist, based in Paris).

Date: 8 December 2008
Place: Atelier Marcel Hastir, Rue du Commerce 51, 1000 Brussels
Time: 7pm

For more, press 1

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